Super *~*rare*~* moon shirts and physical copies of The Labyrinth Suite EP are up in the CBF store. <3
The Labyrinth Suite E.P., by Cartoon Bar Fight
Our new EP is available for digital download on Bandcamp. We hope you <3 it.
See you Sunday for the physical release in San Jose at Cafe Stritch/C2SV.
Cartoon Bar Fight's 'Labyrinth Suite' and the shape of things to come |
"The shortened album ultimately challenges the band’s ‘folk’ moniker, altogether, showing a side that delves more into futuristic psych-rock and dark synth-pop." -Christopher Millard,
Check back tomorrow for a Friday surprise.
See you Sunday for the physical release.
Who to See at C2SV | The Bay Bridged
"If you dig the darker side of indie, it would behoove you to check out Cartoon Bar Fight, who create lovely, shimmering pop with an aura of eeriness. Their live show is sort of hypnotizing, and their C2SV appearance at Café Stritch will also mark the debut of their new E.P., The Labyrinth Suite. They go on 6pm on the 29th – early enough for you to be home in time for Breaking Bad.” -Jody Amable, The Bay Bridged
Cartoon Bar Fight E.P Release: Sunday, September 29 @ Cafe Stritch (4PM, ALL AGES)
We’ve been selected to play Silicon Valley’s C2SV Festival this fall! Big-time headliners include Iggy & the Stooges, Thee Oh Sees, Bosnian Rainbows (members of The Mars Volta), Sleepy Sun, The Lemonheads, and many more. Downtown San Jose will be littered with amazing concerts from Sept. 26-29.
Find us at Cafe Stritch (374 S. 1st St.) for the festival’s closing show—we’ll be joined by our friends Rin Tin Tiger, The Trims, The Albert Square, and other local Bay Area favorites. We’ll also release our brand new sci-fi E.P., The Labyrinth Suite, at this show.
Music runs from 2-8PM. Cartoon Bar Fight plays at 4PM.
Admission is FREE with C2SV wristband, or $15 at the door.
San Jose is cool. Have you heard?!?!