We play at Rockage 4.0 on Sunday, Feb 8 (one week from tomorrow) at 3pm. Advance three-day passes here or one-day passes at the door. See you there!
Returning to San Jose this month for a free show, alongside Orenda Fink (formerly of Azure Ray). FB event here.
Dirk playing “Interlude” this afternoon, from our album Reincarnate. Enjoy!
Impromptu stripped-down show last night at San Pedro Square with Sarah Jaye and Adira Shark.
SubZERO Festival 2014, San Jose, CA.
Photos by Darrell Nance of Where’s Wallace Media.
MetroActive photos by Geoffrey Smith II.
Last night at SubZERO Festival downtown San Jose. We loved this show—thank you. xx
Photo from Erin W.
New Show Announced: June 7th SubZERO Festival in San Jose, CA
We’re temporarily coming out of hiding for ONE NIGHT to play San Jose’s SubZERO Festival—our first show as Starover Blue. Come out and celebrate new beginnings with us. We’ll play you lots of new music.
The Details:
SAN JOSE, CA 95112
Main Facebook invite here.
stolen pics from the internet! rockage was awesome. love you all and thanks.
Rockage 3.0 steamrolls into South Bay
"Among the returning, local musical staples (eg. Cartoon Bar Fight, Gnarboots, Picture Atlantic, The Albert Square, and many more), new blood joins the ranks. The jazz oriented Ghost and the City, Cartoon Violence, Hawk Jones, Jean Baudin and PORCH (feat. Todd Huth of Primus) represent some of the new bay area bands involved in the soiree." -Christopher Millard, Examiner.com
Played The Record Winter’s album release last night at Cafe Stritch. One of our favorite shows for sure. And now some stolen pics from the internet!
NEW SHOW ANNOUNCED: Sat. 1/4 at Cafe Stritch—The Record Winter’s album release! I sang on some of their new tracks and will perform them live. CBF will also be playing new tunes. Facebook event here! -Kendall
Who to See at C2SV | The Bay Bridged
"If you dig the darker side of indie, it would behoove you to check out Cartoon Bar Fight, who create lovely, shimmering pop with an aura of eeriness. Their live show is sort of hypnotizing, and their C2SV appearance at Café Stritch will also mark the debut of their new E.P., The Labyrinth Suite. They go on 6pm on the 29th – early enough for you to be home in time for Breaking Bad.” -Jody Amable, The Bay Bridged
COMING UP. Tickets: c2sv.com
Locals Only: A Guide to Silicon Valley Bands at C2SV Music Festival
“Falling somewhere between dream pop and indie folk, Cartoon Bar Fight could be 2013’s answer to the Cranberries. They create a lot of lush arrangements and earnest melodies, and have a knack for writing interesting concept albums. Their next release will be about space, according to the band.” -Aaron Carnes, San Jose Metro
Thanks to the SJ Metro!
CBF's 6th Anniversary | FREE DOWNLOAD of "Reincarnate" through Sunday
Today is CBF’s 6th anniversary! Thanks for your support over the years. To celebrate…Reincarnate (11 tracks) is up for free download through Sunday. Grab it if you don’t have it, and come get our soon-to-be-released E.P., The Labyrinth Suite, at Cafe Stritch on 9/29 (part of Silicon Valley’s C2SV Festival).
Singing with The Record Winter. Photo cred: Lester Barrows of La Vie en Photos
Back in action this August 23rd with our brothers in The Record Winter and Bonnie & The BANG BANG! Also joined by lovely Foxtails Brigade from SF. Hope you’ll come out—got more new music for you! FB event here.
Photos: Jessica Shirley-Donnelly of JRSD Photography <3