Kendall’s bday party/the grand re-opening of rock at the Art Boutiki is this Saturday, 6/29! We’ll join Picture Atlantic and Cold Eskimo—two Bay Area bands we love. 7:30PM, ALL AGES! FB event here.
Coming at you this Thursday. Supporting Mice Parade (indie rock/shoegaze from NY). Tickets here.
Just announced! This’ll be fun—we love Piranha Party! from Fremont, CA. Check this out, it will kick off our Bay Area mini tour this May.
Just announced—can’t wait for this one.
Check out our friends crashfaster and The Y Axes.
FB event here!
This Saturday! Facebook RSVP here.
CBF will be opening up this free show, which happens to be the fantastic Curious Quail’s album release! Come celebrate with us! Other acts include our buddies ColorScout, and Shuteye Unison (they’re radddd).
Come hither!
(Awesome flyer by Ben Henderson!)
Two of us played today at Anne and Scott Crittenden’s wedding. We wrote a song just for them, and hopefully we’ll have a recording posted soon.
You know what? It’s shockingly different playing to a venue full of people who came out specifically to see you play, than it is to play to a massive wedding audience who has no idea who you are, while the bride and groom dance their first dance to your music. Does that sound scary…? BECAUSE IT WASSSS! This is Dirk:
But it was good, really. So, congratulations to Anne and Scott. Next time they come to a show we’ll play their song and make them dance in front of us.
Off to watch Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Theater.
Truths of the heart.: I don't think people realize how many awesome local bands there are out there.
Yesterday, I spent a lovely autumn evening at Red Rock, a cafe/venue in Mountain View that is open to local music playing there, and it was incredible. One of the bands, Cartoon Bar Fight, I already knew, as my boyfriend and I had met them back in June and they asked my boyfriend to play with…
What a freaking sweetheart! : ) Made our night.
Holy mother— massive thanks to the people who came out tonight in support of local live music, and yours truly, Cartoon Bar Fight.
Sea Bird’s set right before us was beautiful—and thanks to everybody who pitched in for their gas so they could get home to SLO. Their song “Woodsmoke” really stuck with us. Seriously, if you haven’t listened to their music, go here now.
Check back for videos of them (and for better quality pictures of all of us, courtesy of lovely Michal.)
10.7.11 (Part I)
Show tonight! RSVP here to the facebook event and come over to Red Rock in Mountain View to see us live with Sea Birds (awesome indie-folk from SLO). It’ll be warm and cozy and we love you.
Check back tonight for photos and videos.
Actually why don’t you just show up so you can be in the photos and videos, k? Sounds good.
Show yesterday at Burlingame’s 2011 Relay for Life. Thanks to Rachel Dyan Blake for the pictures, and thanks to everyone who came over to watch our set.
Come down to Mountain View on the 7th and see us!
"The Marquee" live from our second practice all together (yesterday).
Alright, folks. The Cartoon Bar Fight facebook page desperately needs some love. Please “like” our page and click around to check out the new shows/pictures/whatnot!
If you feel like being super awesome on this lovely September 26th, you could even suggest to your friends that they like us, too. Post the link up on the good old wall. Just sayin…
Practicing today while it is raining outside. Cozy.
In other news, new flier and facebook event are posted here for the 10/7 show. Mark yourself as “attending,” why dontcha, and “like” our page while you’re at it.
Welcome one and all to the launch of our new website. Lots of great stuff has been going down, and we wanted a nice new platform upon which to share it with you!
To begin, here’s a recap of what’s been happening over the past couple of months:
Lots of good news. Two new shows are posted, and we have two new members— welcome to Joel on guitar and Maxwell on bass! Joel made his debut with us on 9/4 at Santana Row, and Max will join us live for the first time on 10/1 at the Burlingame High School Relay for Life. Super lucky right now.
We made it—thank you to everyone who supported us on Kickstarter: Anne Christie, Aaron Cox, Ben Dedrick, Julie Barnes, Susana Gallardo, Hilari Scarl, Evan Duncan, Samantha Robinson, Lyndsey Wilson, Chris Cary, Eric Snow, Michael Luce, Ryan, Brandon Okada, Debbie Parker Barbara, Joe and Derek Sallay, and Rachel and Bob Milotz. You all rule!
Thanks to you, our EP will be out mid-November. Stay tuned, and don’t forget to fill out the survey we sent you so we can mail you the goods.
We are in the midst of our Kickstarter project to fund our debut “Tell All the Children EP.”
The five (possibly six) tracks are nearly recorded, the album art has been arranged by the fantastically talented Terry Fan (see some of his work here), and we have picked our mastering company. All that’s left is the funding. And that’s why we began a Kickstarter—it’s an internet pledge-based fundraising platform for creative projects like recording albums, writing books, making films, you name it!
Here’s how Kickstarter works:
1. Visit our Kickstarter link
2. Read about our “Tell All the Children EP”
3. Decide on an amount to donate and fill in your payment info
Your funds at this point are simply a “pledge” and you won’t be charged right away—we won’t actually receive any money unless we hit the project goal of $550.00 within 35 days, which is the minimum amount needed to fund the EP. If we make more than that, the money will go to more copies of the CD or it will be held specifically for our full-length album (also in the works).
Thanks for your support.
So, there you have it…you’re now pretty much up to date. Other than all that, we are (painstakingly) knocking out the remaining tracks for the EP. Cross your fingers that it’s done by mid-November. We should soon be planning a smashing EP Release show, so be on the lookout.